Short Films
Over the years, Kamomé International has produced many short films that have played and won awards worldwide. We believe that films, no matter the scale, can move people and change the world.
We also love to collaborate with creators who want to take the journey with us to this unique art form, as we did for the London Fashion Week 2020.
由導演周雅立(Cédric Jouarie)與製片莊丹琪共同創辦的一鷗製作所,拍攝過許多短片作品,並在國際影展中奪下許多獎項。這些短片創作是我們的創作源頭,除了短片創作之外,也包含了商業合作目的的短片作品。
Should you have any video communication needs for your company or website, we can take care of it every step of the way from concept to delivery. Just contact us, we’d love to work with you!